
Showing posts from 2014

No Turning Back

I am not trying to be... I am already be... There is longer self-effort on my side... I am just simply reminding myself of who I am No more trying to be... Simply living... My mistakes do not define me... My failures shall not stop me... I am off and running... No turning back


Being open about my life is sometimes a messy thing for me. I'm still having hard times in telling ppl about my struggles esp whats inside my family. But I have learned that this is needed for my complete healing and restoration. I have tried to do it several times. And I just did again today. It was still messy for me. I have realized that actually I still have this fear in my heart. Fear of man's opinion. Fear of rejection. Fear of being judged. Fear of being pitied. Fear of the unknown. What if they find out about me and my parents. What would they think. How would they see me afterwards. Would they still be the same? Would I still be the same to them? All these questions and worries have trapped me into a fearful prison and never ending dilemma. As much as I want to speak the truth about my life and let God be glorified over my story, I still have this doubt in my heart. What if. How if. Oh God. What am I supposed to do. I want to break free. I really want t...

7 keys to contentment (version 2.0.ERS)

#Keys to contentment #1. Accept things as they are. Learn to accept rather than runaway from it. #2. Focus on the solution rather than the problem. When there's a will, there's a way. #3. Don't sweat on small things. Time is too precious to be wasted on that. #4. Look at the bright side. Light always knows how to shine its way. #5. Take time to listen than to argue. The world is full with smart people who never learn how to use their ears. #6. Keep your feet on the ground. If you were meant to fly, God would created you with wings instead of feet. #7. Have no regrets. Yesterday has gone. Today is a gift. Open it. Embrace it. Live it. Magnifico! Life is meaningful and full of mysteries! -E.R.S-

7 keys to contentment (version 1.0.ERS a.k.a MY version)

#Keys to contentment: #1. Don't put demands on others. Everyone is figthing their own battle. Just give them a break.  #2. There is no such thing as perfectly ideal (from this world). We need to embrace both sides. The great, the good, the bad and the ugly. #3. Sit back and Relax. The world is round. What goes around (may) comes around.  #4. Be grateful. Stay grateful. Do it purposely. Regularly.  #5. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive... Again, I say... Forgive.  #6. Keep breathing. Inhale.. Exhale.. Repeat. #7. Never be without a smile. Someone may be needed it from us at the moment.   Voila! Life is free and full of surprises!  -E.R.S-


What if I dont have another time.. What if I wouldn't get another day to fellowship with Him.. What if tonight is my last chance on earth to know Him better... So even this body is tired and wanting to sleep.. Let me draw near.. and utter these words to You, My Beloved.. Wrap me with Your love.. Sway me with Your grace.. Touch me with Your kindness.. Let me rest in Your faithfulness.. Guard me with Your arms.. Console me in Your presence.. Let nothing ever come between us.. Remove the veil on my face.. and take me into Your embrace... *and then quietly this song played on the background... I was made to be His Bride I was created to wear the purest white I was made for God's eternal pleasure I was created for intimacy with the Lord Everything else in the world fades away As I stare into His face The look in His eyes melts my heart And leaves me speechless He.. He loves me.. He.. He cares for me.. - "Chambers" by Catherine Mullins -

The Wheat and The Weeds

“Here is another story Jesus told: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew.” (Matthew 13:24-26, The Message) “Yesus membentangkan suatu perumpamaan lain lagi kepada mereka, kata-Nya: “Hal Kerajaan Sorga itu seumpama orang yang menaburkan benih baik di ladangnya. Tetapi pada waktu semua orang tidur, datanglah musuhnya menaburkan benih lalang di antara gandum itu, lalu pergi. Ketika gandum itu tumbuh dan mulai berbulir, nampak jugalah lalang itu.” (Matius 13:24-26) “Sebab sesungguhnya, kegelapan menutupi bumi, dan kekelaman menutupi bangsa-bangsa; tetapi terang TUHAN terbit atasmu, dan kemuliaan-Nya menjadi nyata atasmu.” (Yesaya 60:2) Secara tidak sengaja saya melihat berita mengenai ISIS di tv tadi siang, dan ketika saya sedang mendengar beritanya, tiba-tiba ayat ...

Faith and Focus

Faith and Focus = 2 keys to conquer in 2014 Markus 4:40  Lalu Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Mengapa kamu begitu takut? Mengapa kamu tidak percaya?" #di tengah badai, adakah kita beriman atau kita menjadi begitu takut dan tidak percaya Ibrani 12:2  Marilah kita melakukannya dengan mata yang tertuju kepada Yesus, yang memimpin kita dalam iman, dan yang membawa iman kita itu kepada kesempurnaan, yang dengan mengabaikan kehinaan tekun memikul salib ganti sukacita yang disediakan bagi Dia, yang sekarang duduk di sebelah kanan takhta Allah. #di tengah badai, apakah kita tetap berfokus kepada Tuhan Badai menguji iman kita, apakah sesungguhnya ada iman di dalam hati kita Badai mempertajam fokus kita, apakah kita tetap berfokus kepada Tuhan atau teralihkan dengan situasi/keadaan sekitar kita Badai membuat kita lebih mengenal diri kita (apa yang sesungguhnya ada di dalam kita) dan mengenal Tuhan (siapa Tuhan dan betapa besarnya Tuhan, dan betapa kecilnya kita, betapa dahsyat Nya Tu...