
Showing posts from September, 2014


What if I dont have another time.. What if I wouldn't get another day to fellowship with Him.. What if tonight is my last chance on earth to know Him better... So even this body is tired and wanting to sleep.. Let me draw near.. and utter these words to You, My Beloved.. Wrap me with Your love.. Sway me with Your grace.. Touch me with Your kindness.. Let me rest in Your faithfulness.. Guard me with Your arms.. Console me in Your presence.. Let nothing ever come between us.. Remove the veil on my face.. and take me into Your embrace... *and then quietly this song played on the background... I was made to be His Bride I was created to wear the purest white I was made for God's eternal pleasure I was created for intimacy with the Lord Everything else in the world fades away As I stare into His face The look in His eyes melts my heart And leaves me speechless He.. He loves me.. He.. He cares for me.. - "Chambers" by Catherine Mullins -

The Wheat and The Weeds

“Here is another story Jesus told: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew.” (Matthew 13:24-26, The Message) “Yesus membentangkan suatu perumpamaan lain lagi kepada mereka, kata-Nya: “Hal Kerajaan Sorga itu seumpama orang yang menaburkan benih baik di ladangnya. Tetapi pada waktu semua orang tidur, datanglah musuhnya menaburkan benih lalang di antara gandum itu, lalu pergi. Ketika gandum itu tumbuh dan mulai berbulir, nampak jugalah lalang itu.” (Matius 13:24-26) “Sebab sesungguhnya, kegelapan menutupi bumi, dan kekelaman menutupi bangsa-bangsa; tetapi terang TUHAN terbit atasmu, dan kemuliaan-Nya menjadi nyata atasmu.” (Yesaya 60:2) Secara tidak sengaja saya melihat berita mengenai ISIS di tv tadi siang, dan ketika saya sedang mendengar beritanya, tiba-tiba ayat ...