His Grace is Sufficient

Last night was another fight, again. Another bad words. Another childish ways. Another self pity. Another pride. And another i-am-the-one-who-is-right attitude. Yet the same root of problem for me, after all.


I did not think it was at the first place.

But this morning, I had a vivid vision.

A little girl squat in the front of her bed.
With her head bent in between her knees. And her hands was like holding tight to something which I could not see.

Then I saw Jesus walked near to this little girl. This little girl noticed Him. But she did not change her position. Jesus smiled (I think He knew beforehand that this little girl would act that way) then He sat right next to this girl.

Not long after, this little girl lay down her head to Jesus' left shoulder, and started to cry.

That little girl was me.

For all this time. I was still holding my heart tightly. Protecting it. Defending it. And securing it from getting hurt.

I have given my heart to the Lord already, 4 years ago. But what I was still doing I still tried to help God in protecting my heart, like He is not capable enough of protecting it fully.

I was trying to help God in protecting my heart.

As I wrote that sentence, I was laughing on my stupidity. What on earth were you thinking? Trying to help God ?!

How foolish I was.

Grace. Oh how I need His grace right now.

Lord, help me to be ready... Help me to fully surrender to You...

Lord, help my unbelief... Help me to trust in You...

Lord, help me in my weakness... Help me to be strong in Your grace...

"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Releasing my heart means revealing my weakness.

Untechnically speaking, heart is the most fragile part in the body.

And for me, it is the weakest one.

Yet the Lord promised me. That His grace is sufficient.

My heart may be weak. But God is strong and powerful.

And His power is made perfect in my weakness. :)


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