
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8

I have read or heard this verse for like hundred times, but somehow I feel like there's something missing, that is until now I haven't fully 'experienced' the POWER that this verse is talking about. Do I have the power in me? Has the Holy Spirit come upon me? How does it look like to have the power? What does it mean to be a witness to Jesus in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth? 

What's the meaning of WITNESS? a witness is a person who sees an event take place.

How then I become a witness? I recall of an event that happened in my life few years ago. I had a broken relationship with my father. I had this strong hatred in my heart towards him. I refused to meet or even talk with him. I didn't want to get close or even see his face. So I decided to move from my hometown to another city and continue my study there. One day I was at home, I was living in my aunt's house, and that day no one was home, I was watching this christian tv channel and a video clip came out title "You are my Father". The lyrics goes like this, "You are my Father, provider, You are my Deliverer, Your mercy embrace me surround me through Your everlasting love... Father I worship You, Father I worship you..." Suddenly after that, I heard a voice "I am Your Father, I am not like your earthly father, I AM your Heavenly Father." Then I just wept right over there. I got down on my knee and the Lord just came on me. I cried my heart out. Thank God, no one was home. I know God had somehow arranged it. And that was my first encounter with the Lord. He revealed Himself as a Father to me. He healed my heart with His love. The grudge that I had toward my earthly father was being replaced with love. For one time in my life, I know and experience the love of the Father. And His love just swept away the hatred. I was full with His love. I then decided to forgive my father. I now have reconciled with my father. I can meet and talk with him. Even though my father has not changed, but God has changed me. So my decision and respond does not depend on my father's behavior anymore, but it is a result of my relationship with God. I am now able to love my father with the love I have received from God. God has healed my heart. He has healed me and restored me. From brokenness to wholeness. By the power of His love.

From this I can truthfully say that the POWER that the bible refers to here is the power of LOVE. Only love can change a cold heart like mine had. There's no human power that can change it. Love is the only cure. Love is the power that can change the world. Love is a Person. Love is Jesus. Jesus changed my life. I am human. You are human. And if He can change mine, then He can change yours also. 


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