
"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (James 1:2-4)

It came to me just like a click.

I was just finished having cell group, then I came into my room. Suddenly, I had this desire to eat ice cream, since I just bought a new flavor ice cream with a very good price, which is half of its normal price :D 

but then there was this voice in my heart telling me... "No, you don't need to eat that ice cream right now, you have the self-control." 

And just like that, the thought of having an ice cream suddenly did not interest me anymore. 

You know the thing is, since a couple of days ago, I started to practicing what I called "beholding Jesus". I learned from the Scripture that by beholding JESUS I am being transformed to His image (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). And I think just now I was actually experiencing the fruit of beholding Him. 

It is good if you can have a self-control, but it does feel WAY more good when it actually becomes part of your character. You don't need to try or strive, you just be. 

Surely it doesn't come in one night. That's why the above Scripture in James 1 tells us that it takes the trials and challenges, that hits you from right or left, front or back, which literally puts you in an uncomfortable situation that makes you feel overwhelmed. You may feel like being surrounded by troubles and you feel like giving up, because it is just too much for you to take.

When you find yourself in such situation, please do come back to the Scripture. 

And what the Scripture in James 1 says? "Friends, see it as a 'sheer gift', when those things come after you.." Take it as a uniquely designed opportunity meant and created only for you. And make it WORKS for you by using it as a tool to develop yourself. How? by facing it. "So please don't run from it..."

You were built and designed to overcome those tests and challenges.  

Tests and challenges are not sent to break you, but to MAKE you.

" you become MATURE and WELL-DEVELOPED, NOT DEFICIENT in any way."

It makes you learn, grow and fully-equipped. 

The result is undeniably rewarding.

You finally become the man or woman God made you to be.


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