Double for trouble... Beauty for ashes...

"Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor.
You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours." - Isaiah 61:7 (NLT)

Few days ago before I went to sleep, God spoke to me that He only has "good plans" for me. It was really encouraging to hear God said that personally to me again, given the fact that I was in some challenging situation that past weeks. And just now when I was in shower, God opened my eyes to the "good plans" that He has for me specifically on the one that He has for my future marriage. Even though my parents are divorced, God promised me that He is going to use that, working and turning such situation for my good. Instead of shame and dishonor that I had been carrying or experiencing due to my parents situation, I WILL ENJOY A DOUBLE SHARE OF JOY. How awesome is that!!! I will enjoy a double share of joy in my life and in my future marriage! Hallelujah, praise the LORD! Now, that's how God ignites hope in my heart!

Not only that, the eyes of my heart has been enlightened to a specific calling that God has for me. I know I am not the only person who had been through parents divorce. There are many children out there who suffered because of their parents divorce, like me. Many out there are broken. Many are in shame. Many are in troubled situation. Many couldn't understand why such things happened to them. Many are hopeless. But hear this, you are not reading this by chance, GOD wants you to know that: "GOD is in the business of GIVING DOUBLE FOR TROUBLE... BRINGING BEAUTY FROM ASHES..." and HE IS TURNING YOUR SITUATION FOR YOUR GOOD, BECAUSE HE IS A GOOD GOD.

I decree that this is the time of HIS RESTORATION!!! Let's decree together that this is the time of HIS RESTORATION in our lives!!! PRAISE GOD, HALLELUJAH!

Personal Prayer:
Father God, I believe You have given me this specific calling and to carry this anointing of family restoration, marriage restoration, relationship restoration. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Father. I am all Yours. Lead me Holy Spirit. I surrender to You, in Jesus name, AMEN.


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