The Messenger

John 3:22-30 (the Passion Translation)

So they went to John and asked him, "Teacher, are you aware that the One you told us about at the crossing place-he's now baptizing everyone with larger crowds than yours. People are flocking to him! What do you think about that?" (verse 26)

John answered them, "A person cannot receive even one thing unless God bestows it." (verse 27)

What a remarkable answer that John gave to his disciples. From it I can somehow see that John was a type of God's servant who truly understood the calling of God upon his life. He was secure in the gifting and ministry that God entrusted him with.

Each one of us I believe are involved in a certain area of ministry. It could be inside the church, in the marketplace, or even in the area of family.

One of the dangerous things for us who are involved in a ministry is when we start to compare ourselves, or our ministry's success/failure with other people's. To learn from others would be good and beneficial, but to feel threatened or judgmental towards them would be unnecessary and not useful at all. It would only reveal our insecurity and make us ineffective with our ministry.

Moreover, I truly admire how John the Baptist continued on his answer and picture himself on the passage:

"You heard me tell you before that I am not the Messiah, but certainly I am the messenger sent ahead of him. He is the Bridegroom, and I bring the bride to him. I am the friend of the Bridegroom who stands nearby and listens with great joy to the Bridegroom's voice. And because of his words my joy is complete and overflows!"(verse 27-29)

I learned something here. When we put God and His words as the source of our joy, not on our success, failures or even the ministry we have, it will actually keep us not to fall into the dangerous trap of comparison or even the spirit of jealousy.

Later on John ended his answer with this profound words: "So it's necessary for Him to increase and for me to be diminished." (verse 30)

How it truly reflects a genuine heart of a servant. There is no trace of frustration or even false humility in these words.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Word. May we always believe in Your words, be secure in our identity and calling that You have given us, may each one of us be found faithful and fruitful in the ministry that You have entrusted us with. In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of pride, jealousy and insecurity, and whatever the tactics of enemy that try to hinder and make us ineffective, I destroy it in Jesus name! Thank You Father, we pray this prayer in Jesus name, amen!


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