Yet those who wait on the LORD will gain new strength, they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. (Isaiah 40:31)

Physically, we, humans gain strength for our body from what we eat or drink. Another way to gain strength for our body is through exercise. God has designed all of that for our benefit. However, one thing that we must remember that our physical body has an expiration date. No matter what kinds of food we eat or how regularly we exercise, will not prevent our body from dying. Yes, we need to watch what we eat or drink and exercise regularly to stay fit, and we do it because we want to honor God and serve God longer while we are in our body, but we must not forget that gaining strength for our body alone is not the ultimate purpose of our Christian life. We are not living trying to save our lives by eating right. We eat right because we believe right that Jesus has died for us so that we who live might live for Him. Creation cannot save us. Only God the Creator can save us. 

Spiritual Strength doesn't come instantly. God wants to give us strength but it doesn't happen according to what we think. 

Spiritual Strength is built in the waiting.

Nobody likes to wait. We live in a world that hates to wait. However as long as we live here on earth, it is inevitable for us to not wait. Therefore, if we do not learn how to wait well, we will never really live well here on earth. We need to master the art of waiting well. 

The verse above tells us that, "Those who wait on the LORD will gain new strength." 

1. Waiting is not wasting time if we wait on the LORD.
We need to wait purposely. Wait with a purpose in our heart. 

2. Waiting is gaining.
When we wait on the LORD we gain new strength. The LORD is the source of strength. When we wait on Him we receive strength. Waiting is receiving. 

Waiting on the LORD doesn't mean that we are waiting alone. We are not waiting for the LORD to come from afar, we are waiting on [with] HIM to move!

"Like servants, alert to their master’s commands, like a maiden attending her lady, we’re watching and waiting, holding our breath, awaiting your word of mercy." (Psalm 123:2)


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