"Karena di mana hartamu berada, di situ juga hatimu berada." (Lukas 12:34)

Harta dan Hati. Mengapa Alkitab mengaitkan kedua hal ini dengan mengatakan bahwa dimana harta kita berada, disitu juga hati kita berada? Karena memang begitulah kenyataannya pada manusia. 

Harta menunjukkan nilai, harga, dan kepemilikan materi. Dan harta biasanya adalah sesuatu yang dapat dilihat dengan mata manusia. 

Sedangkan hati menunjukkan perasaan, emosi, dan kedalaman seseorang. Sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilihat secara kasat mata. 

Singkat cerita, pagi ini saya mendapat ayat firman di atas dalam roti perjamuan saya. Sungguh, Tuhan yang paling tau kedalaman hati kita, dan Dia dapat berbicara dengan cara apa saja, asalkan kita mau mendengar dan membuka telinga kita. And when I read that, the verse just struck me...

Dalam terjemahan The Passion Translation:

"Where your deposit your treasure, that is where you fix your thoughts, and your heart will long to be there also."

So, where should I deposit my treasure then?

Luckily, the bible always has the answer. 😊

"Instead, stockpile heavenly treasures for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay or lose their value." (Matthew 6:20)

Because to keep hoarding earthly treasures, it all can be stolen by thieves... "material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value." (Matthew 6:19)

When people hoarding earthly treasures, the focus must be on self, and the underlying motivation might be because of fear or pride. 

"Hoarding" itself has a negative connotation. It means a mental condition that makes someone want to keep a large number of things that are not needed or have no value (Cambridge English Dictionary). 

But, when I stockpile heavenly treasure, my focus is on heaven, and the underlying motivation is Faith working and expressing itself through LOVE. 

So now let us put this new mindset on => Let us start STOCKPILING HEAVENLY TREASURES !!!

How? By loving others, doing good, revealing truth and bringing Christ's light to the lost.



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